The Ultimate design community to help you bring together your passion & creativity that's fun and engaging!

The Ultimate time is now! We're Not Just Another Coaching Group

Not Your Average Door Decor & Certainly Not Your Average Design Community!
Monthly Membership
Inspiration & Tools
There are no secrets with Kandi & Her Design Team! Learn the art of "not your average door decor" through live tutorials, Q&A's & exclusive product discounts and coupons!
Tutorials & Coaching For All Things Kreative!
Get access to our video tutorial vault of incredible kreations as well as weekly live tutorials inside our private group by 3 amazing designers & creatives! We also get you help with apps, techy stuff, and ETSY!
Community & Connection
There is nothing better than a positive community to take your designs to the next level and creating connections and collaborations to help you grow your skills and even your design business!
You + Me = everything you need to get started!
I realized years ago that my true passion was creating inspiration through my designs. My community is everything to me and my family and when you combine you and me, we can make the world a little more colorful!
Wanna Design Something Together? Let's Me Help You Take Your Design Skills To The Next Level...
- What would it feel like to be part of a wreath community that is 100% focused on providing guidance and inspiration?
- How would it feel to get your passion of creating and designing and turn it into a business? It happens every week in my community!
- What if you could get the trainings you need and you felt encouraged and confident that you too can make your passion come to life?
A Note From Kandi...
Hey Y'all I'm Kandi and it's so nice to meet you! A little more about me and my journey to being a designer!
I grew up in Southeast Georgia and call Savannah home. I've been married for 24 years and have an amazing son and daughter. I love the beach and being outdoors and I also love creating a beautiful home, one step at a time. I started my creative venture in 2012 and by 2018, it had become a business. In 2020 my husband helped me design and build my shop so that I could continue to grow my brand and love for teaching. Today I'm honored and blessed to serve over 700 members in my design school. Teaching them how to make amazing home decor for their front doors and beyond. I love that my community gives me a place to share my passion, my family, and most of all my creative life. I look forward to inspiring you in your journey!

So Much Inspiration...

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This Is Why I Do What I Do...